First Fundraising Activity for the Foundation!


On a rainy Sunday 29th September 2019 in the grounds of Blenheim Palace, a group of dedicated runners completed the Edward Showler Foundation’s inaugural fundraising event. 

Some ran 10 kilometers, and others braved the Half Marathon, and none of them permitted the weather to stand in their way! Ed’s parents, Ellie and John, joined to watch the runners sail across the finish line, and a celebratory lunch was enjoyed at The Perch in Oxford afterwards. Callum Atkins also ran, but missed being in the photo due to a knee injury.

Then the following week Martin Swinson, a friend of Ed’s from St John’s Cambridge, ran in a packed field at the Manchester Half Marathon, completing the event in a time just seconds over 2hrs.

Martin Swinson

As of the 1st November, the runners have raised over £2,000 in support of the Foundation, thanks to the wonderful generosity of friends and family.

While Ed was not much of a long-distance runner himself, his friends and family have completed several runs in his memory. While in the past money has been raised for a variety of cancer charities, the latest venture was the first time that efforts have been directed specifically at the Foundation itself, now that it has been formally established. 

The charity run has become something of an annual tradition, and sights are already being set on future events in 2020!

There is still time to donate via the link here. Future events will be publicised on the website and on social media.

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