Very Sad News

We sadly have to announce that Sharni Ruming died in the early hours of the 27th April. Sharni leaves behind her partner Nadeem, her Mum Leanne, her Dad Graham, her sister Kelly and Lucky and the many friends she had who loved her so much. 

Anyone who had the privilege of meeting Sharni would have been immediately struck by the warmth of her personality, her enthusiasm and her zest for life. She had a beauty that radiated!

Sadly she has been tragically taken from us at the age of 30 with so much left undone and with so much to live for. The world will be a darker place without Sharni being in it!

Sharni’s death is yet another very personal reason why we must continue to fund research into Clear Cell Sarcoma that will give young people like Sharni, Ed and Sian some hope that effective treatments can be offered.

Sharni’s family have asked that instead of buying flowers that you donate to the Foundation to help us continue to fund research into the causes and drivers of Clear Cell Sarcoma that will help lead to finding better treatments and maybe a cure. It may be too late for Sharni but together we may be able to ensure that others have better outcomes. Please donate through the link below.

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