Sharni’s Throwdown 2022 on the 10th September 2022 in Wandsworth

In September 2021 Sharni Ruming, a Wandsworth Personal Trainer & F45 Coach, was diagnosed with Metastatic Clear Cell Sarcoma. 

Sharni’s passion has always been to help people reach their health and fitness goals and this diagnosis has not swayed that but, if possible, enhanced this resolve even further!

Off the back of this, in 2021 Sharni’s Throwdown was born to raise money to help her tick off some bucket list items.

An annual inter-gym competition, Sharni’s Throwdown brings together the Wandsworth fitness community, like never before seen in the area! Rotating each gym, teams complete four workouts and accumulate points to be the proud winners of The Ruming Cup!

Sharni and her friends are organising a Throwdown challenge involving a number of gyms in Wandsworth – F45, MF London, WT Fitness and Gymnasium. The event will take place on Saturday the 10th September 2022. Teams will compete against each other and prizes will be awarded to the winning teams.

Sharni has kindly asked the Foundation to partner Sharni’s Throwdown  and to donate the funds raise to help fund the research project into CCS being undertaken at UCL.

Please come and support the day or contact either Ellie or John if you would like to form a team and compete on the day and find out more about the day then please visit the Sharni’s Throwdown website here.

It sounds like great fun and all in aid of supporting the Foundation and celebrating Sharni.

Rocket Base