Miro Bio Cycle Team Raise over £4,000

The Miro Bio cycling team of Ellie Scott, Ellie’s boyfriend Paul, Sam Bullers, Elliot MacLeod and Sam Bartlett all took part in a marathon cycle ride from Bristol to the south coast and back again.

Starting at 10pm on Friday 11th November, they cycled a 308 km circular route, riding through the night and finishing at 6pm on the 12th November.

The team cycled without sleep and it was the furthest that any of the them had ever ridden before.

In the process they have raised over £4,000 (with Gift Aid) for the Foundation and Gilead, the owners Miro Bio, have kindly agreed to match the funds raised by the riders.

A warm congratulations and well done to all those who took part. Stirling effort which is much appreciated. Thank you and the money you have raised and thank you to Gilead for your generosity. The monies raised will be used to improve our understanding of Clear Cell Sarcoma and help in finding better treatments and ultimately a cure for this disease.

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