Doctor / Patient Communications - The Edward Showler Fellowship at Cambridge

Ed was passionate about Doctor / Patient communication and during the last few days of his life, when we discussed with him setting up the Foundation, he said that he would like it to be involved in doctor / patient communication. To this end we are able to confirm that we have agreed with Cambridge University to fund an MD/PhD student, which will be called the Ed Showler Fellowship. The successful applicant will undertake research into doctor patient communication with an emphasis on end of life care. The successful applicant will be a practising doctor of several years experience who will undertake this work over a period of 2 to 4 years. We have a very strong team to supervise the successful candidate and we are keen that the results of the research can be fed back into the medical training programme so as to benefit future clinicians. The post will be advertised this autumn with a view to the successful candidate starting in the August 2023

We have also entered into an agreement with the Clinical School at Addenbrookes and commencing this year, will offer up to 5 grants a year of £1,000 each, to be awarded to Cambridge University medical students undertaking the SSC communications course, which they do as part of their training. The grant will be to assist in funding their attendance at conferences so that they can attend and present their work ensuring that it is disseminate it to a wider audience. This award will initially run for 5-years but with a view to it lasting for 10-years. The awards will be named after Edward and will be a fitting memorial to him.

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