Aspenden Ball Raises £700 for Clear Cell Sarcoma Research to Remember Sian

The Aspenden Ball was held on Saturday 12th October in the village of Aspenden in Hertfordshire. The ball is a local village event that supports three charities and thanks to Sharon and Pete Walker, one of these is the Edward Showler Foundation.

The Edward Showler Foundation was selected as one of the charities in memory of Sian Neale. Sian tragically died at the age of 28 from Clear Cell Sarcoma on the 18th February 2020.

Sharon Walker is Sian’s mum, Cara Neale is Sian’s sister and Alan Neale is Sian’s Dad.

At Sian’s funeral Alan said;
“If there is anything to take away from this, if there is anything to quell the bitterness and rage, to calm the sense of monumental futility, it is the heart and soul and love that Sian had, and that she instilled into all of us, whether we knew it or not. If we can all be just a little more like Sian, a little more positive, a little more respectful and kind, a little more selfless, life will be just that little bit brighter – brighter for everyone….”

In total the Ball raised £700 for the Foundation, for which we are very grateful, and we would like to extend our thanks to Sharon and Pete and to the Aspenden Village Fund.
Thank you!

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